Which vendor sits top of the storage shop with IDC?

“IT trials and trends don’t change much year over year—but options to address them do."

EMC Corporation has been named number one storage vendor for both revenue and storage capacity shipped in IDC’s Storage User Demand Survey (SUDS).

Honoured for the first half of 2013, the survey focuses on analysing current and future deployments of enterprise storage systems for particular data uses ranging from major enterprise applications to various segments of IT infrastructure support.

EMC is recognised as the top storage solution for Microsoft Exchange, Oracle and SAP applications, industry-specific applications, home directories, business intelligence and analytics, virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI) and virtual servers.

“For the third year of the IDC's Storage User Demand Study, EMC has come out as a leading supplier of external enterprise storage systems with regard to both revenue and capacity for most data use cases covered by the study,” says Natalya Yezhkova, Research Director, IDC.

“As enterprise application environments become more complex and the demand for flash grows, IDC analysis demonstrates that EMC is shipping the most storage capacity in support of today’s mission-critical IT needs.”

The study estimates that EMC led capacity with 26.3% of the overall external enterprise storage systems terabytes shipped in 1H13, and 30.8% revenue share.

This is the third consecutive year that EMC has ranked #1 in this study, based on these criteria.

“IT trials and trends don’t change much year over year—but options to address them do,” says Jeremy Burton, President, Products and Marketing, EMC.

“Our portfolio is designed to handle major enterprise apps across a variety of environments, and flash is a very powerful tool that allows EMC to help customers manage these critical challenges.”

In addition to the select data use cases covered, IDC also found that the booming flash market will continue to grow over the next 12 months, with 48% of respondents planning to purchase solid state storage (SSD and/or PCIe flash) in that timeframe.

With several widely deployed flash solutions in its portfolio, EMC believes it is poised to help customers leverage flash as part of their overall storage strategy as demand for flash grows.

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