Voyager Internet buys Net24

Seeby Woodhouse, founder of Orcon, says the acquisition will give Voyager access to more SMBs

Business ISP Voyager Internet has purchased Net24 group for an undisclosed sum, according to Voyager CEO Seeby Woodhouse.

Speaking to Computerworld at the NZ Hi-Tech Awards on Friday, Woodhouse says the acquisition process has been in the works for the last three months, and an official announcement will be made later today.

Net24 Group is a hosting and domain registrar company, which owns 1st Domains, Expired Domains, and Register Direct. According to Net24 the company has 25,000 customers which includes iTicket, Noel Leeming, and Bendon.

Woodhouse says the acquisition will give Voyager better access to those customers, many of which are small to medium businesses - Voyager’s bread and butter.

“We will be able to provide integrated packages that would include fibre and broadband services to those businesses,” says Woodhouse.

“This one purchase will make us a quarter of the size of Orcon when it was sold.”

Update 11am: Woodhouse says the combined annual turn over for the merged companies will be around $7 million.

Asked whether job losses were expected as a part of the acquisition, Woodhouse maintained there would not be any, saying both companies would continue to work as they are.

Woodhouse is the co-founder of Voyager, and also founded Orcon before selling it to Kordia for $24.3 million in 2007.

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