Queensland Health CIO axed

Expense claims allegegly fiddled

Queensland Health CIO Paul Summergreene has been sacked amid investigations into allegations he cashed-in up to A$25,000 (NZ$32,000) in false expenses.

The management change comes only six months after Summergreene joined the department.

His actions are being investigated by the Crime and Misconduct Commission (CMC). A spokesperson for the Health department refused to disclose details pertaining to Summergreene's alleged misconduct.

He has been replaced by a new acting CIO, Dr Richard Ashby. In a media statement, Queensland Health director-general Michael Reid said "Dr Ashby has had leadership roles in both emergency medicine and medical administration for many years in Queensland Health at both the Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital and Princess Alexandra Hospitals, and nationally through the respective colleges.

"He has major interests and expertise in clinical and administrative information systems."

The statement made no reference to Summergreene.

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Tags managementqueensland healthpaul summergreene

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