Secure Computing plans local presence

New Zealand revenue has grown from 4% to 13% of total Australasian revenue, says country manager

Secure Computing plans to open an office in New Zealand on the back of substantial local revenue growth over the past year.

Australia and New Zealand country manager Eric Krieger says New Zealand revenue has grown from 4% to 13% of total Australasian revenue.

“We’re working now to set up an office in New Zealand,” he says.

The sole local distributor for Secure Computing is MPA.

Secure Computing was spun off from Honeywell in 1989 on the basis of developing a secure operating system, using money from the US National Security Agency. The locked-down operating system, which Krieger says has never had a vulnerability, is used by the CIA and FBI.

The company was listed on the NASDAQ in 1994 and has had business in New Zealand since 1998. International revenue is around US$300 million (NZ$401 million). Krieger says this is expected to grow to $1 billion within four years.

“Much of our focus for the future is on malware, looking at what malware is being raised,” he says.

Partly, this is being addressed by the company’s core TrustedSource technology.

Internet data is accumulated from more than 7000 sensors worldwide, creating profiles that identify deviations from expected behaviour. “We can isolate those IP addresses and refuse the traffic,” Krieger says.

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