Sytec wins library deal

TelstraClear's integrator arm scores National Library goal

TelstraClear-owned IT consultancy Sytec has notched up another contract win, close on the heels of it and its parent being awarded the $43 million deal to build the research and education advanced network.

Sytec has been awarded the contract to build a web curator tool for the National Library in Wellington.

The tool will “provide the technology, interfaces and services appropriate for the archiving of websites for long-term storage and preservation”, according to tender documents.

The contract is worth between $350,000 and $400,000.

Other recent successes for Sytec include winning a five-year voice and data contract for Whitcoulls in October.

TelstraClear bought Sytec in November 2004 for $12 million and in May 2005 TelstraClear’s internal IT department was merged with Sytec. Former TelstraClear ICT head Mike Askew became Sytec’s chief executive.

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