Capital gains as NZ iPad software firm reveals "aggressive" expansion plans

"While there is a special push to sell the product in New Zealand and Australia, the internet allows cost-effective selling into the United States and Europe, as well as the rest of the world."

Stellar Library, a cloud-based document management system for iPads, is embarking on an aggressive expansion plan following a recent injection of capital by high profile New Zealand investor Andrew Bagnall.

“The initial response from our existing clients has confirmed our confidence in our product and we’re now moving to a global marketing effort to take advantage of our lead in this segment,” says Dave Andrew, General Manager, Acquisitions, Stellar Library.

The software allows organisations to effectively manage their own internal library and filing system via a secure delivery platform.

“Our focus is on secure distribution and management on nominated tablets,” Andrew adds.

“While users can do every thing they need to with a file or document, we can control the ability able to share or download them for transfer. As well Stellar Library is intuitive to use on the iPad.”

Andrew says while there is a special push to sell the product in New Zealand and Australia, the internet allows cost-effective selling into the United States and Europe, as well as the rest of the world.

“Stellar Library is easy to try," he adds. "If you need secure document management, you can download the software and start using it.

"There is customer support information on the website and the software lends itself to inbound marketing campaigns.”

Andrew believes the development of Stellar Library reflects the "next stage" organisations face in order to effectively manage the distribution and access of information and documents with the story of the gradual loss of corporate information control now a "familiar one."

“Once the PC arrived, people could not only save files locally, they could also copy them to disk and take them home,” he says.

“When the use of email became widespread, it became possible to send attachments and security became a bigger issue.

“Government organisations, schools and businesses now use iPads as a part of their everyday activities.

"These organisations have begun to use a raft of online storage solutions such as Dropbox, Microsoft’s OneDrive and Google Drive.

"While they can provide secure storage for files, they don’t provide the level of control of distribution, access and version control that Stellar Library does.”

In the iPad world, there is the additional problem of lost or stolen devices, Andrew adds.

“Educational organisations, local government, and companies needing secure distribution of confidential information such as board papers, have been some of the early adopters," he says.

"These organisations as well as those in the health sector now routinely use iPads in their day-to-day activities and Stellar is a perfect fit for their information management needs in this environment.”

As a result, Andrew says it’s an exciting time for businesses and organisations to be involved with a New Zealand company that is "leading the charge" for smarter information management technology on the global stage.

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