OASIS adds ebXML business process committee

SAN FRANCISCO (10/20/2003) - OASIS on Monday said it has formed an ebXML Business Process Technical Committee to further define the ebXML BPSS (e-business XML Business Process Specification Schema) model for business collaborations within and between enterprises.

The ebXML BP technology, which is royalty-free, will support the exchange of standards-based process definitions, such as those developed by industry-specific organizations. It is part of a suite of specifications enabling conducting of business over the Internet.

The committee will base its work on ebXML BPSS Version 1.01, jointly developed by OASIS and the United Nations Centre for Trade Facilitation and Electronic Business (CEFACT), and on derivative work expected to be donated by a variety of participants. Additionally, the committee plans to collaborate with other OASIS committees, such as those developing the Web Services Business Process Execution Language (WSBPEL). Work also will be aligned with relevant efforts from other organizations, such as the W3C and RosettaNet.

Committee members include Cyclone Commerce Inc., Fujitsu Ltd., Sterling Commerce Inc., Sun Microsystems Inc. and others. Participation remains open to all organizations and individuals, said OASIS, which plans to host a mail list for public comment.

The committee is the fifth formed by OASIS for the purpose of advancing ebXML. Other committees have been formed to focus on specific issues related to registry, collaboration, messaging, and implementation and interoperability.

The multiple pieces of XML necessitate many committees to deliberate on it, said Karl Best, OASIS vice president. OASIS has been working on ebXML for more than four years, he said.

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