MySQL buys high-availability vendor Alzato

SAN FRANCISCO (10/14/2003) - MySQL AB plans to integrate high-availability clustering technology into its open source database through the acquisition of Alzato, announced on Tuesday.

Alzato, a venture company started by Ericsson in 2000, has developed and marketed NDB Cluster, a high-availability data management system designed for telecom/IP environments, according to MySQL. The technology will provide a high-availability clustering data management engine for systems that require maximum uptime and real-time performance, such as in telecom, network applications, and heavy-load Web sites, MySQL said. Alzato's technology will be offered in a version of the MySQL database planned for release in 2004 and tentatively called MySQL Cluster.

Alzato technology expands existing high-availability capabilities in the MySQL database and also provides for fast recovery, said Marten Mickos, CEO at MySQL.

"We can offer high-availability at a totally new scale," he said.

MySQL customers in areas such as network equipment manufacturing and telecom have growing demands for high-availability functionality, Mickos said.

The company would not reveal the cost of the Alzato acquisition, which actually closed a month ago.

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