Survey highlights high cost of old broadband contracts

Kiwis may be paying $400 more than they should be

Comparison service NZ Compare says its survey of New Zealand broadband users suggests over a third of Kiwis have been with their current broadband provider for over three years and could be paying up to $400 above current rates, because the price and quality of broadband connections have changed extensively.

Gavin Male, founder and CEO of NZ Compare, said moving to a new house was the primary time and reason that people looked to change their broadband provider. "It's frustrating knowing that so many households could save hundreds of dollars a year if they took the time to check the deals that are now available in the market."

He said the average saving of those who have switched and said they saved money through Broadband Compare was almost $18 per month, well over $200 a year.

"Quite staggeringly, over 10 percent of those that switched were saving more than $400 a year by changing to a new provider," he said.

Also, the survey found 19 percent of respondents that had switched were now paying more for a better broadband connection with faster speeds or a bigger data cap.

"This is supported by the majority of respondents who switched provider moving to fibre broadband plans (67 percent). Of those that did not switch to a fibre plan only 27 percent had the option of fibre but did choose to take it up," Male said.

The Broadband Compare survey was completed by 1,919 respondents from June to August 2018 as part of the Broadband PULSE market research report produced by independent agency Tactix on market trends in the NZ broadband sector.


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