Safer Internet Day marks 10th anniversary

Nearly 22,000 Australian school students are participating in an online safety awareness presentation by Cybersmart Outreach.

Today is the 10th anniversary of Safer Internet Day, a global initiative to raise online safety awareness. This year’s theme, ‘Online Rights and Responsibilities – Connect with Respect’, focuses on online privacy, digital reputation and citizenship, and is held in more than 90 countries around the world.

The Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) will today stream a live radio program from 5pm to 8pm (AEST) on the Cybersmart website. Telstra, Facebook Australia, the Interactive Games and Entertainment Association (iGEA), along with other Australian industry groups and school students will take part in the program.

Nearly 22,000 Australian school students are participating in an online safety awareness presentation by Cybersmart Outreach, ACMA said. Online interactive activities are also available to teach school students about cyber safety as part of the Cybersmart Challenge. The amount of schools students getting involved in these activities has increased from 3200 last year, it said.

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Tags Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA)Safer Internet Day 2013Safer Internet Day Australia

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