Stories by Kirstin Mills

Making the most of your redundancy

Like any unpleasant thing in life, there are plenty of euphemisms for the period of unemployment following redundancy: forced sabbatical, development hiatus and severance retreat are just a few a Fast Company article came up with.

The ABC of networking

According to the CollegeJournal website, people aren’t fussy about where they network to advance their career — even at funerals.

Managing peers

You’ve been promoted. All of the sudden the people you were fragging onine during a game of Quake in your lunch hour are now your subordinates. Is it just you or are they whispering behind your back as you walk down the hall?

Wider education challenge all about communication

A videoconferencing project has allowed young New Zealanders to “meet” people as diverse as visiting forensic experts who worked on the OJ Simpson case, multiple Oscar award-winner Richard Taylor and climate change scientists from overseas.

Man disputes damage caused in hacking case

A 36-year-old Dunedin man who has admitted breaking into the computer system of an American company will argue about just how much damage he caused in a special hearing.

Something for everyone

IT managers sometimes need a little help to do their jobs more effectively. This feature looks at what’s on offer at the country’s universities and asks IT managers what they like and dislike about days back in the classroom.

Networking 101

When IT managers take time out to do a training course, the benefits aren’t only in the skills learned from the teacher and course material but also what they learn from their peers.

Cutting the lead

When it comes to fitting in study around a job, Gerard McQuilkin prefers to get right out of the office for a block course, where work can’t distract him.

IT talent on display

Data-transmitting electric fences, a way for the public to view long-hidden museum artefacts and wearable computers were just some of the projects being showcased in Dunedin last night.

Hiding from customers won't help

When I was a little kid and something scary came on television, I used to sit beside the TV set -- where I couldn’t see the screen -- until it was all over.

When e-learning isn’t right

Online learning isn’t suitable for all organisations. The Department of Conservation says training is a crucial area and it considered online training for desktop applications but decided against it.
