Stories by Mark Willoughby

Future looks bright for agile coding

A new force is making itself felt in the world of software development. Advocates of the agile development methodology claim that its potential to increase productivity in some areas is so bright that coders are going to need to wear shades to write software with it.

Quality software means more secure software

FRAMINGHAM (03/17/2004) - Gary McGraw, chief technology officer at Cigital Inc. in Dulles, Va., has become a leading voice in software quality and information security. His latest book, published in February, is Exploiting Software: How to Break Code, co-authored with Greg Hoglund. He has a bachelor's degree in philosophy from the University of Virginia and a Ph.D. in cognitive science and computer science from Indiana University. He co-authored Java Security in 1996, Software Fault Injection in 1998, Securing Java in 1999 and Building Secure Software in 2001.

Congressman explains his H-1B visa opposition

FRAMINGHAM (10/01/2003) - Representative Tom Tancredo, a Colorado Republican and chairman of the U.S. Congressional Immigration Reform Caucus, has long been an immigration watchdog and opponent of illegal immigration. On July 9, he introduced H.R. 2688 "to amend the Immigration and Nationality Act to repeal H-1B visas for temporary workers." Tancredo's dogged advocacy of immigration reform has made him a maverick within his own party. His bill was assigned to the House Judiciary Committee, where it never was scheduled for a hearing. He recently spoke with Computerworld about his opposition to unfettered immigration and guest-worker visas.
