Stories by Averill Parkinson and Charlotte Walton

Digital copyright battle hots up

The battle between copyright holders and free speech advocates is hotting up in the US, with the decision by a US federal appeals court at the end of November that the publication of DVD decryption technology constituted a breach of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act 1998.

Aimster insists it's no Napster

The world’s biggest music companies successfully sued Napster in December 1999 on the basis that it was a haven for copyright piracy that would cost them billions of dollars in lost music sales.

Misleading and deceptive conduct during contract performance

In a Techlaw column in February we talked about actions under the Fair Trading Act 1986 for misleading and deceptive conduct that occurred before entering into a contract (see Who's liable when complex projects go wrong?). However, misleading and deceptive conduct claims can also arise during in-contract performance.
