financial software - News, Features, and Slideshows

News about financial software
  • Bitcoin surges past $100, gains Expensify support

    Digital currency Bitcoin has had an exciting few years since its introduction back in 2009, complete with security problems, online heists, a perceived association with the drug trade, and a recent distributed denial-of-service attack.

  • Financial software eases AA's accounting pain

    The New Zealand Automobile Association took the plunge in late 2005 when it upgraded from a MS-DOS-based financial system to an enterprise-wide, integrated system. Now, the organisation is in the middle of upgrading again, this time to the .Net platform.

Whitepapers about financial software

  • 8 Steps to select an ERP System

    If you’re looking for your first ERP system or looking to upgrade from an existing system, the evaluation, selection and implementation process is a long-term strategic decision for your organisation. To help you through this process, here are eight simple steps for a successful ERP system selection.
