IT value - News, Features, and Slideshows


  • Proving the value of IT - Part two

    To some extent, organisations are being held back from realising the value of IT projects by the very way in which they measure success. Too often, it is based solely on the business case.

  • Proving the value of IT - Part one

    Value. It's a powerful word at the best of times. It can mean cheap and simple or large and complex -- and everything in between -- and all meanings are positive, depending on your point of view. When the word 'value' comes up in focus groups, brand managers are wont to smile wryly and consider their job done. Happy days.

  • Do IT value methodologies work?

    For the CIO, it’s the question that never goes away: can value methodologies really prove IT’s worth to the business? Three experts weigh in on whether this is the impossible dream.
