Enable: Christchurch embracing UFB the "fastest"

“We are seeing suburbs across our coverage area where people are making the move to fibre broadband in very large numbers, which is an exciting development."

Fibre broadband network provider, Enable has announced that Christchurch suburbs and local towns that are embracing fibre broadband the fastest – with Rolleston, Burnside and Addington topping the list.

“We are seeing suburbs across our coverage area where people are making the move to fibre broadband in very large numbers, which is an exciting development," says Steve Fuller, CEO, Enable.

In Rolleston, Burnside and Addington over 20 percent of homes and businesses that can access fibre broadband services are now connected.

Plus, there are five further suburbs and towns where over 10 percent of the community have made the switch.

“Large parts of Burnside, Bryndwr and Strowan have only had access to fibre broadband services for a few months – and these suburbs are on the top 10 list already,” Fuller adds.

“This demonstrates that many people understand that fibre broadband really improves their internet experience and so they want to connect as soon as possible.”

Enable now has over 6,100 total customers connected out of 57,000 homes and businesses that can access its network – or almost 11 percent total uptake.

Local uptake is still tracking ahead of the latest average national figures and Christchurch (including the surrounding towns) is sitting just outside of the top five towns and cities.

“This is good – but not good enough," Fuller adds. "We are determined to see our local community embrace fibre broadband and enjoy the benefits faster than anyone else.

“We are now connecting around 600 customers per month and growing – so adding one percent to overall uptake every month.

"We would love to see this grow even more, and urge people to contact a retail service provider and get connected to fibre broadband as soon as possible.”

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