Compaq Eliminates Prosignia, Updates Deskpro

Compaq Computer, in trying to clarify its brand names, has eliminated the Prosignia line and added the Deskpro EX, an update of the existing Deskpro EN product.

"They had Prosignias with the same specifications as a Deskpro," said Roger Kay, manager of the desktop PC practice group at IDC (US). "No one could tell that they weren't Deskpros."

The new "S" line will take the place of the Prosignias, said Compaq spokesman Mike Hockey. He acknowledged that the change is a marketing move to avoid consumer confusion. The Deskpro EXS and the Armada 100S will fill in the gap for the discontinued Prosignia brand, and they will have the same "above-the-box" online service features, including, Symantec Corp.'s Norton AntiVirus software, and work productivity software and links.

Regarding the introduction of the Deskpro EX, Kay said, "It sounds like a refresh of their corporate line."

With an Intel Celeron processor and a speed of 566 MHz at the low end for $699, "it sounds to me like they've refreshed it with new components and better price performance," Kay said.

Unlike Compaq's recent foray into what Kay called "lifestyle" desktop machines like the iPaq, these corporate offerings will retain a conservative appearance, Hockey said.

"If you're looking for something like an iPaq, this is not it," Hockey said.

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