Stories by Sim Ahmed

NZ ranked 12th highest subscribers of mobile broadband

New Zealand has moved up four places to occupy the 12th place in the highest adoption of mobile broadband in the OECD, according to a report by the OECD Directorate for Science, Technology, and Industry.
The report says that as of June 2011, 54.3 percent of New Zealanders were subscribed to a mobile broadband service. Australia came in at eighth with 64.8 percent, and the top ranked Korea has 99.3 percent subscribed.

Sky City launches IT internship programme

With a shortage of experienced IT workers in New Zealand and the competition to recruit them increasing, Sky City Entertainment Group is hoping its new internship programme will help it secure the best of New Zealand’s up and coming young IT talent and at the same time provide them with much needed real world experience.

Former Yellow CIO shifts to agriculture sector

Steven Mayo-Smith, former CIO of Yellow New Zealand, is now the general manager of technology at Livestock Improvement Corporation (LIC).
Mayo-Smith was made redundant two months after starting his role at Yellow in April of this year, after the company went through a major restructuring when then CEO Bruce Cotterill resigned.

ITEX: TradeMe head dev talks mobile

Companies in New Zealand are looking to leverage the rise of smartphone adoption among consumers, but with so many platforms and development paths available to them, how should they approach this, if at all?

ITEX: How IT can help marketing and social media teams

Panelists on the social media panel at ITEX kicked off the session by giving the IT managers in the crowd a few simple words of advice to help their marketing and social media teams: give them the tools they need, and get rid of IE 6.
The panel talked about their experiences using social media to market their companies, and the challenges they face online and with their IT teams.

Open source front end for environmental data

Crown Research Institutes GNS Science, Landcare and National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (NIWA) are working together with the New Zealand Geospatial Office to open the flow of environmental data between government agencies by harmonizing the systems used for managing it.
Currently, New Zealand environmental information is collected by a wide range of government agencies including regional councils and district councils, SOEs, and research institutes. Each uses varying methods and systems, making the sharing of data and co-operation difficult.
